The Most Advanced Drive Technology
Maximum applicable motor capacity (kW) indicates capacity under heavy-duty (HD) rating.
- Capable of driving any kind of motor.
A1000 runs not only induction motors, but also synchronous motors like IPM and SPM motors with high performance current vector control. - Minimize equipment needed for your business by using the same drive to run induction and synchronous motors.
- Switch easily between motor types with a single parameter setting.
Rotor Positioning without Motor Encoder
- Use an IPM motor to perform position control without motor feedback.
Electrical saliency in IPM motors makes it possible to detect speed, direction, and rotor position without the use of a motor encoder. - Precision positioning functionality without an up-per controller.
Visual programming in DriveWorksEZ lets the user easily create a customized position control sequence, without the use a motor encoder.
Cutting-Edge Torque Characteristics
- Powerful torque at 0 Hz, without a motor encoder∗
Once out of reach for AC drives, Yaskawa now offers advanced control features without a motor encoder. Achieve even more powerful starting torque at zero speed with an IPM motor.
∗ : No speed sensors or pole sensors required.
∗1 : Achieving this torque output requires a larger capacity drive.
∗2 : Contact your Yaskawa or nearest agent when using PM motors except SSR1 series or SST4 series motors manufactured by Yaskawa Motor Co., Ltd.
Torque characteristics
[Advanced Open Loop Vector Control for PM with an IPM motor]
Comparing the speed control range
[Advanced Open Loop Vector Control for PM with an IPM motor]
- High-performance current vector control achieves powerful starting torque with an induction motor.
Powerful starting torque with an induction motor.
*: Achieving this torque output requires a larger capacity drive.
Loaded with Auto-Tuning Features
- Auto-Tuning features optimize drive parameters for operation with induction motors as well as synchronous motors to achieve the highest performance levels possible.
- Perfects not only the drive and motor performance, but also automatically adjusts settings relative to the connected machinery.
A variety of ways to automatically optimize drive settings and performance
Note: This type of Auto-Tuning is available only for motors less than 450 kW using an encoder.
- Brand-new Auto-Tuning methods.
A1000 continuously analyzes changes in motor characteristics during run for highly precise speed control.
Smooth Operation
- Smooth low speed operation thanks to even better torque ripple suppression.
Comparing torque ripple at zero speed (Closed Loop Vector)
Tackling Power Loss and Recovery
- A1000 offers two ways to handle momentary power loss.
- A1000 is capable of handling momentary power loss for induction motors as well as synchronous motors without the use of a motor encoder.
Speed search
Easily find the speed of a coasting motor for a smooth restart.
Applications : Perfect for fans, blowers, and other rotating, fluid-type applications.
Keep the motor running without allowing it to coast.
Applications : Highly recommended for film lines and other applications requiring continuous operation.
Note: Requires a separate sensor to detect power loss.
The drive may trip depending on load conditions, and the motor coast to stop.
- Ride through power loss for up to 2 seconds.∗
Crucial for semi-conductor manufacturers
No need to purchase a backup power supply
Detects, outputs an undervoltage signal during power loss
∗ : The Momentary Power Loss Recovery Unit option may be required depending on the capacity of the drive.
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